Benefits from membership

NPC-CC invites all of the poultry industry’s representatives to become members of the Chamber. Only together we can take care of our matters – and NPC-CC membership allows you to have a real and lasting influence on Polish and international poultry market.


Decide how to benefit from the financial aid of Poultry Meat Promotion Fund

Fundusz Promocji Mięsa Drobiowego (Poultry Meat Promotion Fund) is a part of Agencja Rynku Rolnego (Agricultural Market Agency). It has been established to actively aid the poultry industry by the means of country-wide promotional campaigns. NPC-CC provides expert opinions on fund’s planned actions, actively supplies the fund with ideas and helps with their implementation. The Chamber also recommends members of presidium. NPC-CC membership gives you a unique opportunity to shape the image of the whole poultry industry.

Gain access to the one-of-the-kind database and practical knowledge of NPC-CC experts

During 25 years of continuous operation NPC-CC has gathered an extensive database of business and scientific knowledge about all aspects of poultry industry. It is also constantly developed and updated. Among the professionals working with NPC-CC and members of the Chamber’s commissions you will find many experts with years of theoretical and practical experience. By becoming a member of NPC-CC you gain access to unique know-how about veterinary, poultry breeding and keeping, maintaining high quality of production, communication and promotion.


Check the most up-to-date and comprehensive market analysis and information

NPC-CC initiates a variety of market data analysis and research projects. The Chamber is constantly monitoring all of the available information about the Polish and international poultry industry. Thanks to that NPC-CC maintains the largest database of statistics and news about the current trends on the market. NPC-CC members gain unrestricted access to all reports, research and analytical data collected by the Chamber.

Show off your products at the Polish and international fairs

NPC-CC is present at the all of the most important food and consumer fairs in Poland and all over the world. It includes such large-scale fairs as SIAL and ANUGA. Every NPC-CC member can opt for a proper products and services exposition as a part of poultry industry booths during those prestigious event.


Participate in trade missions dedicated to poultry industry development all over the globe

NPC-CC actively searches for the new outlets for polish poultry meat. The Chamber engages in various trade missions to make valuable business connections all over the world. NPC-CC participated in trade missions in China, Vietnam, the United Arab Emirates and South Africa. Any member of NPC-CC can get involved in these missions and open the new horizons for both his own enterprise and the Polish poultry sector as a whole.

Engage in current NPC-CC projects and propose the future initiatives

NPC-CC is responsible for many strategic projects – from giving expert opinions about proposed legislation to educational campaigns. This constant activity is necessary for Polish poultry market to grow even stronger. NPC-CC membership allows you to take part in any project the Chamber works on. Any member can also recommend future projects. Thanks to that NPC-CC is able to help with any matters that may concern the growth of the poultry sector as a whole.

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