Benefits from membership

Decide how to benefit from the financial aid of Poultry Meat Promotion Fund

Gain access to the one-of-the-kind database and practical knowledge of NPC-CC experts

Get access to the latest and most reliable information and market research

Show off your products at the Polish and international fairs

Take part in overseas trade missions dedicated to the poultry industry

Engage in current NPC-CC projects and propose the future initiatives
NPC-CC is responsible for many strategic projects – from giving expert opinions about proposed legislation to educational campaigns. This constant activity is necessary for Polish poultry market to grow even stronger. NPC-CC membership allows you to take part in any project the Chamber works on. Any member can also recommend future projects. Thanks to that NPC-CC is able to help with any matters that may concern the growth of the poultry sector as a whole.
Who Can Become
a Member of NPC-CC?
Ordinary Members:
1. Poultry plants engaged in poultry meat slaughtering and processing, feed manufacturers
2. Poultry plants engaged solely in slaughtering or processing, as well as egg processing plants
3. Breeding farms, poultry reproduction farms, commercial farms for live poultry and table egg production
4. Poultry hatcheries, feather processing plants
5. Provincial and regional associations of poultry breeders and producers
Supporting Members:
1. Universities, scientific institutes, and individuals or legal entities with significant scientific achievements in the field of poultry farming.
2. Companies producing goods and services for the poultry industry.